Why did Abraham Plant a Tamarisk Tree
In the Bible, the tamarisk tree is mentioned in several instances, mostly in the Old Testament.
One example is in Genesis 21:33, where Abraham plants a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and calls upon the name of the Lord.
“Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called on the name of the LORD, the Eternal God” Genesis 21:33 NIV
The tamarisk tree was associated with providing shade and protection, as well as being a source of wood for various uses. Planting a tamarisk tree was likely symbolic, representing Abraham’s commitment to God and his desire to leave a lasting legacy of faithfulness.
What is a tamarisk tree?
Tamarisk trees are a type of shrub or small tree found in many parts of the world, including the Middle East. They’re known for their ability to survive in arid environments, and are often live in areas with little rainfall. Tamarisk trees can grow up to 15 meters tall, and can live for 100+ years.
Tamarisk trees are a deciduous tree belonging to the genus Tamarix, which comprises around 50-60 species. These trees are native to Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. Tamarisks are characterized by slender branches, small scale-like leaves, and tiny, pink or white flowers that usually bloom in dense racemes or spikes.
They often grow in dense thickets or groves, providing shade and a windbreak in arid environments.

What is the spiritual meaning of a tamarisk tree?
In Genesis 21:33, it is written that “Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the Lord, the Eternal God.” This verse has led to many questions about why Abraham would choose to plant a tamarisk tree, and what significance it might’ve held for him.
One possible reason why Abraham chose to plant a tamarisk tree is because of its ability to survive in difficult conditions.
Abraham was a nomadic herder who traveled through the desert with his family and flocks. He understood the importance of finding resources that could survive in harsh environments. By planting a tamarisk tree, he may have been expressing his faith in God’s ability to sustain him and his family in the midst of challenging circumstances.
Another explanation for Abraham’s decision to plant a tamarisk tree is rooted in its cultural significance. In biblical times, tamarisk trees were often associated with hospitality and protection. They were planted near wells or other sources of water, and were used as a shade for travelers and their animals. By planting a tamarisk tree, Abraham may have been making a statement about his commitment to welcoming and caring for others.
Finally, it’s worth noting that Abraham’s decision to plant a tamarisk tree isn’t an isolated event. Throughout the Bible, trees are often used as symbols of growth, life, and renewal.
For example, the tree of life in the Garden of Eden represents the eternal life that God offers to humanity. In the New Testament, Jesus tells a parable about a mustard seed growing into a tree, representing the growth of the kingdom of God.
We don’t know for certain why Abraham chose to plant a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, there are many possible explanations. Whether it was a symbol of his faith in God’s provision, his commitment to hospitality and protection, or a reflection of the biblical symbolism of trees, the tamarisk tree remains a powerful reminder of the importance of faith and perseverance in difficult times.
The tamarisk tree is mentioned in a few other places in the Old Testament:
- 1 Samuel 22:6: This verse describes King Saul sitting under a tamarisk tree on a hill at Gibeah, holding his spear, while his officials stood around him. This scene takes place when Saul learns that David has escaped from the city of Keilah and is now hiding in the wilderness.
- 1 Samuel 31:13: After the death of Saul and his sons in battle against the Philistines, the men of Jabesh-Gilead take their bodies and bury their bones under a tamarisk tree in Jabesh. They then fast for seven days as a sign of mourning.