
Here are some helpful resources that can help you learn and grow in your relationship with God. 

Books and Devotionals

Holy spirit devotional
This easy-to-read 7-Day Devotional provides a better understanding of who the Holy Spirit is, interacting with Him, spiritual gifts, and more.
Psalms and Proverbs Notebook
This 90 Day Notebook takes readers through the book of Psalms once and Proverbs three times over 90 days. The book includes a daily reading plan, as well as space to write what you learn, and how you plan to apply it in your own life.
You Are Worthy devotional
Based on the return of the prodigal son, the You Are Worthy Devotional is written to be a daily reminder of your identity as a Christian. God sees you as His child, and not just a sinner saved by grace or servant who deserves less than.

Bibles we recommend

NKJV Thinline Bible
NKJV Thinline Bibe
NIV Study Bible
NIV Hardcover Study Bible
NLT Thinline Bible
NLT Leather Reference Bible

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