1,000 Bible Verses to Memorize (PDF)

1,000 Bible Verses to Memorize (PDF)

Do you want to work on memorizing more Scripture? I’ve curated the biggest list of the best Bible verses to memorize.

You can download this free PDF of 1,000 Bible verses, organized into 23 different categories.

Of course, you don’t need to memorize all of these. But, filling your mind with the Word and God’s promises is powerful and will fill you with faith– which comes from hearing God’s Word.

I’ve found the best way to use this list is to read through it and highlight the verses that stand out. You can also focus on one category, like peace or joy and practice memorizing those scriptures.

I hope this resource blesses you and strengthens your faith!

“The Bible in the memory is better than the Bible in the book case.”

Charles Spurgeon

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